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Travel exposes one to people and cultures who are so different from you. This difference in facial features, ethnicity and clothing is particularly conducive to great photography. The challenges to photograph these subjects are myriad: anger and rejection being commonplace. These challenges makes me embed myself with the locals by talking, eating and sharing experiences with them.

Meeting the Bushmen in Botswana,  Himba in Namibia, Hmong in Laos, the Paduang in Burma, the Rabadi nomads of India and the Naxi in China,  to name a few were of special interest.

By presenting my portfolio sample here, I want the viewer to understand the challenges and thrills of photographing people. In 2015 while I was performing the last rites for my father along the Ganges river in Varanasi, I was a photographic subject for a teeming number of westerners. I was happy for them and perhaps so was my father.

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